My family never had much when I was growing up, and in many ways, I'm grateful for that. The experiences I had as a child helped me to see the value in people over material things. I think that’s one of the things that drew me to HPH in the beginning – the chance to work for a company with a service mindset. It’s nice to feel I can positively impact people, even if it’s just by greeting them at the door or bringing them a cup of coffee. You never know what kind of day someone is having and what small act might change someone’s life.

After spending most of my working life in retail and hospitality, it was a bit of a leap to take on a role in the financial planning industry. I love working with the team here at HPH, and the sense of family is something to be admired. I spend most days bettering myself and my colleagues and clients. The saying ‘you learn something new every day’ has never been more accurate for me - being mentored by those around me means I am learning constantly!

This first year with HPH has been full of memorable moments and significant milestones. I’ve gotten married, bought my first home, turned 20 and started a new job, all within six months of each other. I’m so excited to see what my future holds at HPH Solutions. I’m grateful to work for a company that allows me to live out my dream of helping and impacting others for the better.

I look forward to continued growth in this role. As John Green said in Looking for Alaska: “I go to seek a great perhaps.”

Meet the rest of the team

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