Emma Cork - Certified Financial Planner

I grew up in a small wheatbelt town called Shackleton. We had a small farm because my Dad had polio as a child and could not physically manage a large property.

As a child, I was very aware of the seasonality of our family's income. And the need to save money in the years of good harvest to keep us going in those years that weren't as good.

I attended boarding school in Perth and my first job was working for Bird Cameron Accountants. I then went on to work for a financial planning business at the age of 21 and this triggered the start of my financial planning education journey.

It was the start of a financial planning journey for my parents too as they were selling the family farm at the time. I ended up leaving that firm to work in Sydney, but my parents engaged their services. And I'm so glad they did because they were able to be there for my family in our darkest hour when we lost Dad to cancer.

The work they did added significant value to my family’s financial position at the time, and it really reinforced the importance of seeking and receiving strong financial advice.

It also confirmed to me that I'd chosen a career path that could really help people and make a big difference to their lives. It is such a huge vote of trust for someone to ask you to help them manage their money. Over the course of my 20-year career, I've had the privilege of helping many clients through life’s challenges.

Financial planning is a rewarding profession in so many ways and I am very grateful to be on the journey to helping so many people improve their financial wellbeing.

Emma is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional (CFP®), a member of Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) and has a Diploma of Financial Planning from Deakin University (Melbourne).

Emma is an employee Representative of TFG Australia Pty Ltd, AFS Licence No. 337755.

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