Executor Assistance in Perth

We have had quite a few clients come to us with requests to help them with Executor/Estate duties.  This is not an easy process at a time you are grieving a personal loss, and so after many years of helping clients we have some helpful hints.

Please note that if you have been named as executor of an estate, it is important that you understand your duties and legal obligations.  It is a time-consuming task, that often requires specialist legal, financial and administrative skills and this is where we can help.

A good estate lawyer can also be of help with the legalities, paperwork and possible lodgement of Grant of Probate.

Five hints to help you with Estate matters


If you are nominated as executor in a Will, you need to provide the name and date of death of the deceased, to the relevant financial service providers which may include:

    1. Superannuation Fund
    2. Investment Manager
    3. Stockbroker or Share Registry (e.g. ComputerShare)

Once these people are notified, they post the necessary paperwork to the Executor to lodge a claim to the assets on behalf of the estate.


You will need the deceased's Will, Certificate of Death and Drivers License/Passport for ID Purposes. We recommend you obtain at least 5 copies of each and have them certified by a Justice of the Peace (JP) or a Lawyer. You will need these certified copies when notifying super funds, investment managers, brokers, banks, Landgate, vehicle registration, driver’s licence centre, Centrelink, Medicare, ATO and any others that the client may have mentioned in their Will. Note – you can find JP’s at your local library on certain days and times and usually they do not cost. We suggest you call the local library near you and ask for details.


Once you have the paperwork, there is just the completing of details including any children involved. You then can lodge the paperwork with the provider involved.


If there is a property involved – Landgate must be advised and paperwork lodged.


Any cars/caravans in the deceased's name need to be sold or transferred. The Department of Transport will need to be advised.

Some links to help you with Estate matters

HPH Solutions provides Executor Assistance to clients

Book an appointment with us by calling (08) 9200 3123 to discuss your financial needs including Estate Planning. This will allow us to provide you and your family with Executor Assistance in times of need.


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