.I bought my first shares on my 18th birthday and sold them for a $100 profit a few weeks later. Believing I was the next Wolf of Wall Street, I quickly enrolled in finance at Curtin University. I always found investments and markets exciting and became that guy at a party who would chew your ear off talking about economics and finance … I later found out that you can make a career out of this.

In my final semester at university, I interned with HPH, which was then a small team of around 10-15 people. I enjoyed my time there but decided I wasn’t quite ready to settle down just yet.

I spent the next few years snowboarding, hiking, and backpacking my way through Canada, the US and South America. When I decided I was ready to come home (ran out of money), I reached out to HPH as I remembered my time there fondly. I was fortunate enough that they not only remembered me, but a role had just opened, and I jumped back into what was now a much bigger team.

Being at the beginning of my career in the rapidly evolving financial advice industry, I’m grateful to be surrounded by a wealth of knowledge and experience. Every day brings an opportunity to learn something or meet someone new.

Meet the rest of the team

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